formal theory

美 [ˈfɔːrml ˈθiːəri]英 [ˈfɔːml ˈθɪəri]
  • 网络形式理论;形式化理论;形式理論;形式论;规范理论
formal theoryformal theory
  1. Nonequilibrium statistical density operator (ⅱ) & an application of formal theory


  2. The formal theory for the reflection of sound waves


  3. A new formal theory is proposed by extending set theory with in relation and intension structure .


  4. The idea and method of attitude measurement based on X-ray Pulsars are given by technology framework and Formal Theory description .


  5. The algorithm proposed in this paper excels existing algorithms of this kind in performance via formal theory analysis and contrast in performance test .


  6. It is a formal theory of computability in the same sense as classical logic is a formal theory of truth .


  7. Based on the formal theory of running coupling constant in QCD , the formation of function f (?) has been obtained , f (?)


  8. The first section , risk and securities corporation risk , as the introduction , expatiates the definition of financial risk and formal theory of it .


  9. Belief change is a formal theory to represent the dynamic evolvement rules of knowledge and belief . And , it is also an important field of computer software and theory research .


  10. Finally , we examine the relationship between abduction and probability with the hope of establishing a probability-based formal theory of abductive pragmatics .


  11. The classical congestion control algorithms for binary ABR service mainly based on heuristics and do not have a formal theory to support them , thus they have two drawbacks .


  12. On the source of act duty , there exists a theoretic evolution process which has developed from formal theory to substantial theory , and then to combination of the above two .


  13. A computation model , called procedure scheme , for convergent infinite computations was proposed , on the basis of classical Turing machine and formal theory sequences and their limits .


  14. Based on this model , the formal theory model of service composition based on finite state automata with condition cFSA is studied . The algebraic property and implementing method of the service composition model are studied .


  15. As the formal theory which studies how to seek optimal strategies for cooperation in economic conflicts , economic game theory provides a general operable structure pattern to analyze the dialectic relationship between economic competition and coordination .


  16. Author sums the blasting demolition of constructions up as two basic types , collapsing directionally or piece by piece , or their combination , and puts forward two kinds of formal theory on blasting demolition .


  17. Combined with the problem of complicated schema design in Tianjin air craft maintaining base of Air China , an analytical method about same problems directed by formal theory and its PFC realization in PB are suggested in this paper .


  18. ( 5 ) Quantum theory and formal quantum theory .


  19. EFL Learning : Formal Language Theory , Learning Theory and Evolutionary Dynamics


  20. Active XML Rewriting Algorithm Based on Formal Language Theory


  21. Historical Logic of Legal Formal Rationality Theory and Its Revelation


  22. However , a good firm theory should be a fusion of formal scientific theory and live artistic practice .


  23. Nida 's formal correspondence theory and Pound 's English version of Chinese classic poetry


  24. Formal Rule Theory , Mental Model Theory and Probability Theory in Conditional Reference : A Comparative Study of the Three Theories


  25. Based on the efficiency rules of commercial trade , the formal investigation theory has established the monopoly position in the academia .


  26. It is , in fact , the only extensive formal deductive theory of religion that I know of .


  27. This is strikingly different from formal linguistic theory which focuses on studying the relations between the linguistic units within the linguistic system .


  28. This article attempts to demonstrate my belief that you don 't need to know a lot about formal parsing theory to be able to parse !


  29. The results showed : ( 1 ) the solution of transitive reasoning with spatial and temporal contents supported the mental model theory , not the formal rule theory .


  30. Whether we should follow the principle of truth value or adopt the principle of epistemology is the watershed between the formal reasoning theory and the new proof theory .
